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We are mindful to deliver services with Quality, Professionalism, Speed, Commitment and Customer Empathy

TIA Technologies Limited

TIA Technologies Limited is an Engineering company which aims at providing Intelligence driven Technology and Engineering solutions across Africa. Incorporated in 2010 to create sustainable solutions, we think differently by using technology, Artificial Intelligence, insights and analytics to innovate and deliver efficiently.

TIA Technologies Limited has over the years delivered a series of Power, IT and Security projects with high level of competencies in Nigeria. As a partner to renowned brands such as Vertiv (formerly Emerson), Schneider, HPE, Power Tescom, OPTMAX, NTI, AKCP, Dahua, Monbat etc., we are positioned to deliver current and future technology solutions that optimize infrastructure, reduce cost and maximize efficiency.

Our astounding level of after-sales support gives our clients a blend of customer service and technical know-how to boost their infrastructure performance and avoid costly problems, by implementing a proactive preventive maintenance culture.

We offer the expertise you need, the reliability you demand, and the resources only a reliable partner can provide. We trace our roots back to the beginning of the information age, but our organization began to take shape in 2014 when we introduced to the industry, more efficient ways to solutions’ deployment and system integration. By 2018, we were ranked among the Top 100 Emerging businesses in Nigeria (Connect Nigeria in collaboration with Union Bank).

Over the years, we have successfully designed and commissioned projects, hence securing a strategic partnership and alliance with different industries across Nigeria and Africa. We have deployed multiple power, IT and security solutions to industries, including the maintenance of their power infrastructure at different locations across Nigeria and Africa. Incredible after-sales support, and knowledge transfer philosophy to clients’ staff during and after project executions are part of the things that make us exceptional!

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Our boat is driven by work passion, delivery excellence and the desire to make a difference and add value. Over the years, our team have grown reasonably, our clientele base has seen tremendous GROWTH and our project portfolio has expanded. Our incredible professional service experience has given us a great client return rate and referrals.

Our Vision

To be one of the leading names providing optimized infrastructure solutions that support Critical IT Businesses, Telecoms Network Facilities, and improved Security Solutions in Africa by next decade

Our Mission

To create value across a broad spectrum: clientele, staff and operating environment. We will achieve value creation by leveraging our team’s research and development efforts and deployment of sustainable infrastructure and creative innovations.


We see safety as a way of life so we are focused on enforcing safe work habits into our work culture to ensure that we deliver value to our customers in a safe, healthy and environmentally conscious way.

Our Core Values

G – Godliness
R – Responsiveness
O – Optimization
W – Work-life Balance
T – Teamwork
H – Harmony

See how we work with touch of experience

Why choose us

There are many companies but why choose us

Award Winner

Most Innovative World-class Engineering Consulting Firm of the Year 2022 and Best Technology Consultant/Data Centre Engineering Firm of the Year 2022.

Leading IT Solutions

TIA Technologies Limited provide top-class IT solutions and improved our client's experience

Best Support

TIA Technologies Limited provide a top-tier customers support experience and also a 24-hour flexibility to reach us easily.

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