Smart Security And Monitoring Infrastructure

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Smart Security And Monitoring Infrastructure

With the latest in smart and Artificial Intelligence, we deploy smart and intelligent Access control systems up to Three factors authentication, Our Surveillance cameras are deployed with in-built AI and basic business intelligence for various applications. We have the in-depth knowledge to deploy custom-built solutions to meet user requirements.

CCTV/IP Surveillance System (Smart and AI Cameras), NVR etc
Video Access Control, Time and Attendance
Environmental Monitoring Solutions by NTI, AKCP
Customized Control & Monitoring Solution

As a sole distributor to world-leading EMS Solution provider – NTI US and Major Partner to AKCP, we deploy a fully integrable Environmental Monitoring system to capture critical info like Temperature, Humidity, flood, intrusion, smoke, burglary etc for critical environments.

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Melbourne, Australia
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(10am - 05 pm)