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Renewable Energy [Solar Photovoltaic]

Renewable Energy [Solar Photovoltaic]

With the growth in population and increase in energy demand for both domestic and industrial purposes, the world now utilizes a more reliable and sustainable, environmental-friendly form of energy which is the renewable energy solution.
This Energy solution covers such provisions as Solar PV, Solar thermal, Wind turbine, Mini hydro power plants etc.

Solar Photovoltaic for different applications;

Rural Electrification
Automated Teller Machines (ATM)
Smart Offices/Homes, IT rooms
Solar Water pumping system
Solar Street Lighting system

Within our few years in operations, we have been able to change the narrative with our clients that renewable energy solutions “work”. We can and have deployed several Inverters and Solar-Hybrid Solutions to numerous clients – corporate and individuals. Our solutions are always tailored near-accurately to the clients’ needs. Our renewable energy specialists can provide you with all these solutions and more.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)